Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Very Old Ruins (W)



Turdle (M)



The Sinkhole (W)



Altar of Eyes (D)



Overly Pastoral Shepherd (R)



Onom's Countdown (S)



Nimhian Airship (I)



Lexiferon (M)



Lesser Piper of Azathoth (R)



Chaucer's Babbling Brook (W)



Fai ryail (D)(W)



The Emerald Cat Room (D)



The Doctor's Mansion (D)(W)



Designated Fencer (I)



Crypt of the Children (D)



Crown of the Plague Year (D)



Pumpkin Spider (M)



Pumpkin courtier (R)



Summer Palace of the Pumpkin King (W)(D)



Court of the Pumpkin King (W)



Compel Taxes (S)



Charm Bracelet of Woodland Creatures (I) (M)



Beach Stone of Oc'thubbe (I)



The Arm-and-Leg (D)

The trio are, of course, one entity, each one part of an outsider. They readily admit this if they are accused. Their wares are, however, perfectly legitimate and free from malicious properties. They just like making limbs and helping